Sunday, March 02, 2008

Rob’s Question

What is multi-planar core training? It seems that even as Triathletes or just Runners we have a tendency to only move in one plane (or direction) and that is straight ahead. We do very little of the kind of training that works the whole body, or even better we seem to have not been able to keep our stabilizing muscles strong – the ones where when you plant your foot down while running that our body can be stabilized and not twist/rock/roll and totally screw up our body.

We really need to focus not only on the abdominals and back, but also the hip flexors, and primarily the Gluteus Medius. Here is a link that you can read a bit more as long as you don't mind the blatant advertising.

Multi-plane core exercise can be anything from throwing a medicine ball around with a friend, to going down into lunge position and reaching sideways with arms, to standing on one leg and holding small weights and working on the arm motion of running.


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